We can afford to yawn, because we know truth, but I think C.S. Lewis' argument for the need for apologetics was that educated believers have a duty to the uneducated and to the unsaved, and therefore must stand up in defense of it.
Happily, in this case, we probably don't need to do much, because the Bishop is in herself a recapitulation of everything which normal people are revolted by: the conviction of moral superiority, the smugness which enables nattering. She's the ultimate Karen.
Even the quiet, semi - neurasthenic delivery works against her. If she had thundered the way the late, forgotten Molly Yard was wont to do, she might have convinced many that she was so impassioned, she just could not help herself.
She's every man's dread.
Politically, it's only a win for Trump. Spiritually, it's a godsend in that her preposterousness serves as an example of why St Paul forbade women to become pastors.
She wasn't preaching mercy. I doubt she gives a shit for people who have been victimized by criminals from South of the border, or for those whose lives have been ruined by surgical mutilation. You need to get biological facts straight before pontificating to others. A lot of people are sick and tired of emotional manipulation.
You need to stop worshiping orange idols and read your bible. "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."--Matt 7:2
I am not a Trump supporter, but I do have common sense, something sorely lacking on the left. By the way, we have to judge others. If your daughter comes home with a tattooed boy who has a drug problem and no job, and announces that he is the love of her life, you sure need to start judging. I am not impressed by proof-texting, nor am I impressed by the musings of the Reverend Dr. Prissy Pants, a woman who has probably never done a day's work in her life, but assumes the authority to demand that public money be used to fund her pet projects so that she can feel good about herself.
It's not what Budde said as much as the self-righteous way in which it was delivered. Personally I think Trump ought to lighten up on the deportation and birthright citizenship stuff, and just stop the unregulated inflow of immigrants into the country. But there's a way to deliver that message w/o giving off the odor of superiority that offended the entire front row who understood it was a genuine affront. And of course I think (as do many) the trans phenomenon is doing great damage to people taken on by it, so it's merciful to end it as much as possible.
What are you even talking about? Budde didn’t attack Trump. She didn’t claim any righteousness of her own. She literally did nothing more than remind him of the need to show mercy.
I lived through the era of Spong and the subsequent meltdown/break up of The Episcopal Church. The liberal wing of the church gained a foothold decades earlier and began rewriting millennia of agreed upon doctrine. Suddenly, in the span of a few decades, the church had to change.
And they won the battles of the day. But they lost the war. Now TEC is a shadow of itself.
“No one among you is to sacrifice his son or daughter in the fire, practice divination, tell fortunes, interpret omens, practice sorcery, one who casts spells, one who conjures up spirits, a practitioner of the occult, or a necromancer.”
I didn’t agree with her. That being said, he doesn’t like criticism, wants blind acceptance, and would not take legitimate criticism from “orthodox” ministers any better. In fact, that will never happen.
I guess Franklin Graham’s prayer deserves no criticism.
We can afford to yawn, because we know truth, but I think C.S. Lewis' argument for the need for apologetics was that educated believers have a duty to the uneducated and to the unsaved, and therefore must stand up in defense of it.
Happily, in this case, we probably don't need to do much, because the Bishop is in herself a recapitulation of everything which normal people are revolted by: the conviction of moral superiority, the smugness which enables nattering. She's the ultimate Karen.
Even the quiet, semi - neurasthenic delivery works against her. If she had thundered the way the late, forgotten Molly Yard was wont to do, she might have convinced many that she was so impassioned, she just could not help herself.
She's every man's dread.
Politically, it's only a win for Trump. Spiritually, it's a godsend in that her preposterousness serves as an example of why St Paul forbade women to become pastors.
Imagine calling yourself a Christian and hating a person for preaching mercy.
She wasn't preaching mercy. I doubt she gives a shit for people who have been victimized by criminals from South of the border, or for those whose lives have been ruined by surgical mutilation. You need to get biological facts straight before pontificating to others. A lot of people are sick and tired of emotional manipulation.
You need to stop worshiping orange idols and read your bible. "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."--Matt 7:2
I am not a Trump supporter, but I do have common sense, something sorely lacking on the left. By the way, we have to judge others. If your daughter comes home with a tattooed boy who has a drug problem and no job, and announces that he is the love of her life, you sure need to start judging. I am not impressed by proof-texting, nor am I impressed by the musings of the Reverend Dr. Prissy Pants, a woman who has probably never done a day's work in her life, but assumes the authority to demand that public money be used to fund her pet projects so that she can feel good about herself.
"Proof texting!"
If you don't believe in the word of Scripture then you aren't a Christ worshiper. It's that simple.
I believe in the word of Scripture, but I do not take it out of context. By the way, thanks for judging me! I am really concerned about your opinion.
You must truly, deeply, genuinely loathe Jesus if you think mercy can be explained away with context. You should repent before you go to hell.
You need to go back on your medication.
It's not what Budde said as much as the self-righteous way in which it was delivered. Personally I think Trump ought to lighten up on the deportation and birthright citizenship stuff, and just stop the unregulated inflow of immigrants into the country. But there's a way to deliver that message w/o giving off the odor of superiority that offended the entire front row who understood it was a genuine affront. And of course I think (as do many) the trans phenomenon is doing great damage to people taken on by it, so it's merciful to end it as much as possible.
What are you even talking about? Budde didn’t attack Trump. She didn’t claim any righteousness of her own. She literally did nothing more than remind him of the need to show mercy.
"Taken in", not "taken on". Don't know why comments can't be edited here.
This post dislodged a lot of memories for me.
I lived through the era of Spong and the subsequent meltdown/break up of The Episcopal Church. The liberal wing of the church gained a foothold decades earlier and began rewriting millennia of agreed upon doctrine. Suddenly, in the span of a few decades, the church had to change.
And they won the battles of the day. But they lost the war. Now TEC is a shadow of itself.
Sad to remember these things.
“No one among you is to sacrifice his son or daughter in the fire, practice divination, tell fortunes, interpret omens, practice sorcery, one who casts spells, one who conjures up spirits, a practitioner of the occult, or a necromancer.”
Deuteronomy 18:10-11
« Desperate rantings”? You must be the heretical “anglicans “ (soi-disants). Piss off.
I didn’t agree with her. That being said, he doesn’t like criticism, wants blind acceptance, and would not take legitimate criticism from “orthodox” ministers any better. In fact, that will never happen.
I guess Franklin Graham’s prayer deserves no criticism.
I didn't care for any of the prayers at the Inauguration. The guy mimicking MLK was particularly obnoxious.